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6 Figure Mugs Workshop Replay

IMPORTANT: Please watch this one-of-a-kind workshop so you understand exactly how the “Printable Profits” works and how to use it to see results AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. If you would like to invest and get immediate full access, click the button below:

Workshop Timestamp:

0:27: My special guest is making 6 figures per month from print-on-demand stuff. (Made over $3.75 MILLION doing this)
1:57: How to make $11,453 per month or more even if you fail 98% of the time.
12:50: J.R. has generated $535,414 in a year (and counting). He experienced a 2,159% increase in sales because of Dave's training.
14:57: The Hidden Truth About Traffic: Why you don't need to use ANY traffic source, free or paid, to be able to get to $11,453 per month or more.
15:30: A Brand New Book Giveaway: Zero To MUGpreneur: How to Build an Online Empire With A Simple Mug
20:00: Introducing Dave Kettner: Made Millions Of Dollars & Helped Tens of Thousands Change Their Lives.
20:35: Dennis Ogawa struggled for 9 months but studied under Dave and now generated $35,000 per month within 6 months.
21:14: Matthew & Christine struggled to launch an Amazon-Based business, studied under Dave and now sold more products on Amazon in 2 weeks than they previously did in a year.
28:06: How You Can Use A Simple Tweak That Saved Toyota From Bankruptcy To Build A $11,453 / Month Online Business.
28:17: How To Get To 5 Figures Per Month Without A Single Cent Or Second Spent On Traffic.
47:29: See Dave Demonstrate The Business LIVE.
52:47: How to do great mug designs even if you're not a designer.
54:57: Dave's recommended supplier, see how to create a mug in 5 minutes using this tool.
1:14:46: Double, Triple or 10x Your Profits With Just A Few Extra Minutes Of Work
1:20:44: Introducing Printable Profits
1:37:03: Special Bonuses
1:51:55: Questions and Answers
1:57:45: Free Book [Instant Download]

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